DAGIE BRUNDERT: Recycling Imperfections special program 32' |
> 17.NOV h 20.30 WAAG
screening + Q&A Dagie Brundert in conversation with Martine De Biasi |
// IT
Dagie Brundert lavora con la pellicola daglli anni '80, sia in ambito fotografico che in ambito filmico. La sua pratica si concentra soprattutto sul formato super8, con il quale ha girato numerosi film. Ispirata dal wabi-sabi, estetica giapponese legata al buddismo che mette al centro l'accettazione della transitorietà e dell'imperfezione, ha elaborato personali tecniche di sviluppo e nel tempo si è specializzata in eco process, utilizzando materie comuni, dalla verdura e frutta dimenticata in frigo ai fiori e piante trovate per strada. Si è specializzata in ogni tipo di sviluppo per pellicole super8.
In questa breve rassegna vengono presentati alcuni lavori di Dagie che coprono 25 anni di produzione.
// DE
Dagie Brundert arbeitet seit den 1980er Jahren mit Film, sowohl im Bereich der Fotografie als auch des Filmemachens. Ihr Werk konzentriert sich hauptsächlich auf das Super-8-Format, mit dem sie zahlreiche Filme gedreht hat. Inspiriert von Wabi-Sabi, einer japanischen Ästhetik, die im Buddhismus verwurzelt ist und die Schönheit von Unvollkommenheit und Unvollständigkeit feiert, hat sie ihre eigenen einzigartigen Techniken zur Filmverarbeitung entwickelt.
Im Laufe der Zeit hat sie sich auf umweltfreundliche Methoden spezialisiert und dabei alltägliche Materialien wie überreifes Obst und Gemüse oder auf der Straße gefundene Blumen und Pflanzen verwendet. Dagie ist zur Expertin in allen Aspekten der Super-8-Filmentwicklung geworden. In dieser kleinen Retrospektive werden einige von Dagis Arbeiten aus den letzten 25 Jahren vorgestellt.
// ENG
Dagie Brundert has been working with film since the 1980s, both in photography and filmmaking. Her work primarily focuses on the Super 8 format, through which she has created numerous films. Inspired by wabi-sabi, a Japanese aesthetic rooted in Buddhism that celebrates the beauty of imperfection and incompleteness, she has developed her own unique film-processing techniques.
Over time, she has specialized in eco-friendly methods, using everyday materials like overripe fruits and vegetables from the fridge, or flowers and plants found on the street. Dagie has become an expert in all aspects of Super 8 film development.
Dagie Brundert lavora con la pellicola daglli anni '80, sia in ambito fotografico che in ambito filmico. La sua pratica si concentra soprattutto sul formato super8, con il quale ha girato numerosi film. Ispirata dal wabi-sabi, estetica giapponese legata al buddismo che mette al centro l'accettazione della transitorietà e dell'imperfezione, ha elaborato personali tecniche di sviluppo e nel tempo si è specializzata in eco process, utilizzando materie comuni, dalla verdura e frutta dimenticata in frigo ai fiori e piante trovate per strada. Si è specializzata in ogni tipo di sviluppo per pellicole super8.
In questa breve rassegna vengono presentati alcuni lavori di Dagie che coprono 25 anni di produzione.
// DE
Dagie Brundert arbeitet seit den 1980er Jahren mit Film, sowohl im Bereich der Fotografie als auch des Filmemachens. Ihr Werk konzentriert sich hauptsächlich auf das Super-8-Format, mit dem sie zahlreiche Filme gedreht hat. Inspiriert von Wabi-Sabi, einer japanischen Ästhetik, die im Buddhismus verwurzelt ist und die Schönheit von Unvollkommenheit und Unvollständigkeit feiert, hat sie ihre eigenen einzigartigen Techniken zur Filmverarbeitung entwickelt.
Im Laufe der Zeit hat sie sich auf umweltfreundliche Methoden spezialisiert und dabei alltägliche Materialien wie überreifes Obst und Gemüse oder auf der Straße gefundene Blumen und Pflanzen verwendet. Dagie ist zur Expertin in allen Aspekten der Super-8-Filmentwicklung geworden. In dieser kleinen Retrospektive werden einige von Dagis Arbeiten aus den letzten 25 Jahren vorgestellt.
// ENG
Dagie Brundert has been working with film since the 1980s, both in photography and filmmaking. Her work primarily focuses on the Super 8 format, through which she has created numerous films. Inspired by wabi-sabi, a Japanese aesthetic rooted in Buddhism that celebrates the beauty of imperfection and incompleteness, she has developed her own unique film-processing techniques.
Over time, she has specialized in eco-friendly methods, using everyday materials like overripe fruits and vegetables from the fridge, or flowers and plants found on the street. Dagie has become an expert in all aspects of Super 8 film development.
23 Barbiepuppen kippen um
(23 Barbie Dolls Collapse) 1988 • 3 mins • Colour • Super 8 • my first film! • with Gesine Jochems One after the other… |
I see the sea and the sea sees me
2011 • 1.45 min • Double Super 8 • b/w • double exposed why do boys always throw stones into the sea? Coping with infinity...… |
2013 • 3.05 min • Super 8 • b&w • developed in potato juice Summer outside, a sack of potatoes from the farmer, cut, carved letters, stamped title and finally shredded half the bag: foamy juice! |
2017 • 2.48 min • Super 8 • b&w 49 french fries forks stuck in 49 slimy cat food cubes. Which will be the first six Tabi the cat is going to choose and devour? |
2019 • 3:15 min • b&w • Super 8 From the series: how can I find the right lotto numbers? Part 2. I number my chickpeas from 1 to 49. I want to play the lottery and I need 6 correct numbers. The fastest seedlings will be the right ones! |
Wie ich einmal nicht durch ein Wurmloch kam
2017 • 3.45 min • s/w • Doppel 8 People are driven by curiosity, must always go somewhere else, where they have never been. New worlds attract, shimmer through portals. |
Dalai Dalai
2020 • 4.02 min • Super 8 I was always wondering why the Dalai Lama wouldn't reincarnate as a girl. Always boys, one after the other, for almost 400 years so far. But I guess I know why. And it will change. |
2019 • 1.06 min • Colour • Super 8 I developed an old Kodachrome super 8 film in a soup made from kelp, coffee, vitamin c and washing soda! |
Yksi Kaksi Kolme
2020 • 3.03 min • b&w • Super 8 I fold the time, I press the spiral down one dimension less, from four to three, then two suddenly collapse and see each other! |
In Wolken / In Clouds
2024 • 1.21 min • Super 8 One day in 45 was different from the others ... in the morning I couldn't see a single palm tree clearly and I was wandering around dirt tracks, everything was damp and grey, the colours had disappeared, it smelled of earth and lush plants and I felt like I was in the middle of a huge cloud. |
2022 • 5.12 min • Super 8 • b& w and colour There are mushrooms below me, there' are microbes below me, it's vibrating, it's crazy! Look, light or mushroom thunderstorm? |
Dagie Brundert is a Berlin-based filmmaker and pinhole photographer who fell in love with her Super 8 camera in 1988. She has been an artist in residence at Echo Park Film Centre (Los Angeles) and LIFT (Toronto), and is the recipient of lifetime achievement awards for Super 8 films at Images Festival (Toronto) and Open Air Festival (Weiterstadt). Since 2008 she has delivered workshops across the world on alternative, eco-friendly film development techniques.