Jonas's loft by Joel Schlemowitz / 6' 24'' / USA / 2019 / 16mm / exp-doc / no sound
Jonas Mekas's loft, one week after his passing. In memoriam. Joel Schlemowitz is an experimental filmmaker based in Brooklyn who works with 16mm film, shadowplay, magic lanterns, and stereographic media. He is the author of Experimental Filmmaking and the Motion Picture Camera: An Introductory Guide for Artists and Filmmakers (Focal Press/Routledge). His first feature film, 78rpm, is an experimental documentary about the gramophone. His short works have been shown at the Ann Arbor Film Festival, New York Film Festival, and Tribeca Film Festival and have received awards from the Chicago Underground Film Festival, The Dallas Video Festival, and elsewhere. Shows of installation artworks include Anthology Film Archives, Images Film Festival, and Microscope Gallery. He teaches experimental filmmaking at The New School, and was Resident Film Programmer and Arcane Media Specialist at the Morbid Anatomy Museum. Scenes from the Periphery by Derek Taylor / 2' 50'' / 2019 / USA / super8 / exp An aerial survey of the filmmaker’s place of origin. Edited in camera on Super 8, the film is a frame intensive study of home, place and direction. Derek Taylor's moving image work focuses on the intersection of documentary and experimental filmmaking, particularly as it relates to history and landscape. His work has been screened at a number of festivals both nationally and internationally. He studied film, video and new media at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago and currently lives and works in Connecticut (USA). Unless You're Living It by Sarah Bliss / 8' 22'' / Canada – USA / 16mm / doc An edgy, unsettling portrait of place and power in rural white Ontario that challenges the correlation between seeing and knowing, and the ravages of late-stage capitalism. Hand processing, contact printing, tinting and toning engage the film as a body that, like the residents of Mt. Forest, sustains injuries, wounds and burdens, but also has the capacity for delight, revelatory pleasure, and transformation. Sarah Bliss is a white, owning-class filmmaker and artist of Northern European descent. She engages personal and social history to facilitate deep encounter with the sensate, desiring body. She received a Masters in Theological Studies from Harvard Divinity School, teaches cameraless filmmaking, and is a member of Boston’s AgX Film Collective. Sometimes All of Summertime / by Linda Fenstermaker / 8' 34'' / USA / 2019 / 16mm / exp This film explores the innocence, beauty and energy in the natural rhythms of a season. The focus on summertime is a metaphor for the process of combining lives with another person and the tugging feelings of that union. Linda Fenstermaker is an experimental filmmaker and graduate of Hampshire College. She works primarily on 16mm film. Her work explores interactions and relationships between body and landscape with a focus on representing organic food systems and empowered women Scenes from a Transient Home by Roger Horn / 13' 09'' / 2019 / South Africa / super8 / doc Filmed on Super 8mm, "Scenes from a Transient Home" presents a fractured portrait of life for Zimbabwean migrants when they travel back home to visit. Christmas dancing, New Years Eve celebrations, house floods, and illegal gold panning are just a few of the events filmed by Roger Horn who bookends the film with a major life event for his family. Roger Horn is a lecturer and filmmaker who recently completed his PhD titled, "Memories, material culture, and methodology: Employing multiple filmic formats, forms, and informal archives in anthropological research among Zimbabwean migrant women". It Matters What by Francisca Duran / 9'03'' / Canada / 2019 / 16mm / exp- animtion Absences and translations motivate this experimental animation in an exploration of the methods and materials of reproduction and inscription. The inquiry is set within a framework of practical and critical human relationships with other-than-human-species elucidated by the theorist Donna Haraway. A fragment from Haraway’s essay Tentacular Thinking: Anthropocene, Capitalocene, Chthulucene is reworked here as a poetic manifesto. Enigmatic found-footage calls into question human violence over animal species. Plant life is both the subject matter of the images and assists the means of photographic reproduction. The techniques used include in-camera animation, contactprints and phytograms created by the exposure of 16mm film overlaid with plant material and dried for hours in direct sunlight. Francisca Duran is a Chilean-Canadian experimental media artist who creates films, video installation, and 2D, photo-based, mixed-media works about history, memory and violence. Temple of Truth by Giuseppe Boccassini / 15' 24''/ Usa / 2018 / 16mm footage / exp Temple of Truth is an archive that constantly ambulates amid tangles of decaying worlds, ex-perienced as petrified, deprived, residual traces, preserving in the process of taking along and transforming itself, a magmatic state, a specific, ancestral, sometimes whitish non-space. A liveliness of halfalive bodies , both human and animal, that catch fire in a latent bullfight and which, in becoming persōnae, inhabit sarcophagi which crumble into solid ground like streams of water that suddenly submerge clouds, swinging on the brink of a vertiginous fall of nocturnal glances in the middle of exotic poses and aerial visions. Giuseppe Boccassini is an Italian filmmaker mainly working in Germany and Italy. His work has been shown at several international film festivals and exhibitions. His entire film production is distributed by Light Cone. He is in charge of the programme at Fracto, an Experimental Film Encounter at ACUD macht neu, Berlin |
::: SPECIAL LIVE STREAMING PROGRAM ::: ........................................................................................................ ANALOGICA Selection tour is suspended (for now). To continue to support and connect the filmmaker community we are going to organize live streaming events once a week. Live screenings will be streamed twice:
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Analogica Selection 9 // live streaming program #1 April 1st WED // 9PM Analogica Selection 9 // live streaming program #2 April 8th WED // 9PM Analogica Selection 9 // live streaming program #3 April 15th WED // 9PM Analogica Selection 9 // live streaming program #4 April 22nd WED // 9PM ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Analogica Selection 2020 // Submissions are now open
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Analogica Selection 7 + 8 are available via VOD to stream. 70% of collected fees go directly to the artists. Support artists and filmmakers! Analogica Selection 7 + 8 are availbale here Support ANALOGICA
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