Grenoble- France
Improvised performance for two 16mm projectors played by Lewis & Clovic.
The projectors become animals of film-free projection. The raw light, arriving 24 pulses per second, is ceaselessly sculpted to create form and movement. We play with pre-cinema for a Space-Noise Opera with optical manipulation and light beam trituration... an audio-kinetic fiction of four hands. "Simulacra are sent and dispersed in every direction, but because we see only with the eyes, it occurs that, where we turn our gaze, it in that moment that all the objects strike it with form and color. In that instant the emitted image pushes forward and advances the layer of air between it and the eyes... this chased layer of air thus bathes our pupilles and passes on. All of this must naturally occur with a prodigious rapidity. " 25 Nov // MERANO Die Filmwerkstatt – Via Scuderie, 8 h. 21.30 |