Aspec(t) feat 70fps
electroacoustic improvisation and live cinema (IT / NA)
28 sept / h 9PM
electroacoustic improvisation and live cinema (IT / NA)
28 sept / h 9PM
SEC_: Revox tape recorder, computer samples, no-input feedbacks manipulated on tape
Mario Gabola: feedback and acousitc sax, feedback system with dismantled loudspeakers and feeddrum
Andrea Saggiomo: amplified super8 projectors, prepared films, photosensitive electroacoustic device
Born in 2012, in occasion of the International audiovisual festival AAVE in Helsinki, this trio is the meeting between the electroacoustic improvisation duo Aspec(t) and the live cinema of 70fps. Their live show is based on an interaction system between sound and light that involves both the instruments and the players.
Deleting the borders of image and “soundtrack”, muddling the ones between projection and body on stage, the performance of the trio is a real “production” of cinema in real time, because it’s the generation of images and sounds itself, their live interaction, the instruments used, to become cinema. Sound and light are not meant as juxtapposed narrative elements, but as a matter to shape and manipolate continously, in a perpetual and mutual modification: any action on a device produces a modification on the others.
The projection is on stage and is part of this system: the super8 projector, the film and the image are used as instruments to produce and modify the light in real time. The image on the film is intended to be a filter or a tool to manipulate the light and not to reproduce images. The film is previously prepared for this aim; mirrors and prisms are used too.
Musical instruments, by their side, are used in an improper way: sax generates feedback, tape recorder is physically played as a traditional instrument; resonance effects are produced with the other machines on stage as well as with the performers’ bodies.
In this framework the figuration is just one of the image’s possibilities, as well as the sound is not only music or rhythm, but much more timbre, vibration. The physical properties of sound and image are explored, where the sensation itself becomes tangible matter: the result is a single body that goes beyond the audio-visual identities.
SEC_: Revox tape recorder, computer samples, no-input feedbacks manipulated on tape
Mario Gabola: feedback and acousitc sax, feedback system with dismantled loudspeakers and feeddrum
Andrea Saggiomo: amplified super8 projectors, prepared films, photosensitive electroacoustic device
Born in 2012, in occasion of the International audiovisual festival AAVE in Helsinki, this trio is the meeting between the electroacoustic improvisation duo Aspec(t) and the live cinema of 70fps. Their live show is based on an interaction system between sound and light that involves both the instruments and the players.
Deleting the borders of image and “soundtrack”, muddling the ones between projection and body on stage, the performance of the trio is a real “production” of cinema in real time, because it’s the generation of images and sounds itself, their live interaction, the instruments used, to become cinema. Sound and light are not meant as juxtapposed narrative elements, but as a matter to shape and manipolate continously, in a perpetual and mutual modification: any action on a device produces a modification on the others.
The projection is on stage and is part of this system: the super8 projector, the film and the image are used as instruments to produce and modify the light in real time. The image on the film is intended to be a filter or a tool to manipulate the light and not to reproduce images. The film is previously prepared for this aim; mirrors and prisms are used too.
Musical instruments, by their side, are used in an improper way: sax generates feedback, tape recorder is physically played as a traditional instrument; resonance effects are produced with the other machines on stage as well as with the performers’ bodies.
In this framework the figuration is just one of the image’s possibilities, as well as the sound is not only music or rhythm, but much more timbre, vibration. The physical properties of sound and image are explored, where the sensation itself becomes tangible matter: the result is a single body that goes beyond the audio-visual identities.